Sunday, July 25, 2010


The Sigma Beta Club is currently selling raffle tickets to raise scholarship money. The raffle tickets are only $1 a ticket. To help or for more information contact:

Community Service Date

On August 18th, the Sigma Beta Club of Columbus will be dedicating volunteer hours to the Church of Christ Food Bank.

The Church of Christ Food Bank is located at 1200 Bretnell Ave. The Food bank faithfully operates at 5:00 pm - 7:00pm  on Wednesdays and Fridays of the 3rd and 4th weeks of each month. 

Blue and White Day

African American Male Wellness Walk.

WHERE: 1000 Atcheson st. (near the Mt. Vernon area)
WHEN: August 14th. 9:00am
Blue and White Picnic
WHERE: To be announced
WHEN: August 14th. 2:00pm

It will also be a Book-bag drive. If able bring school supply donation to help kids in need.